According to the statistics of 2009, there are 80796 persons with disabilities registered. It occupies 3% of the total populations of Mongolia. Among them 37079 (45.8%) are female disabled people. 44.9% live in urban area and 50.1% live in rural area. Only amount of persons with disabilities who got pension from the State were 93507 persons in 2009 by news of the Ministry of Social Welfare and Labor, Mongolia. However the identification of the people with disabilities is not satisfactory level that it is not matching to the world statistics of the persons with disabilities, which is 10% of the total populations according to the World Health Organization estimation. There is another number as unofficial data is going on among the public, which is 121.000 persons with disabilities in Mongolia.
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Thanks for that. Its always good to have statistic and up to date information on the situation of disabled people in Mongolia.
There are many different numbers on statistics of PWDs in Mongolia. It ranges from 76,000 to 120,000 people. I assume it happens due to situation that Government uses Medical Model of Disability as base for Identification of PWDs, while local and international NGOs trying to use Social Model based ICF. And it creates many confusions and improper managementon social welfare system of Mongolia. Whatever, this is one of the last surveys that I found.
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